Pengaruh Mutu Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Di Kecamatan Cibeureum Kota Sukabumi


  • Andi Nurochman PGSD
  • Deden Sumiarsa



Quality of principal leadership and job satisfaction


The problem in this research is "(1) How is the quality of leadership of the principal of State Elementary School in Region I of a Cibeureum Subdistrict of Sukabumi Regency? (2) What is the level of work satisfaction of teachers of Elementary School in Region I of Cibeureum Subdistrict of Sukabumi  Regency? (3) Is the leadership quality of headmaster a significant relation with job satisfaction of public elementary school teacher in region I of Cibeureum  District of Sukabumi  Regency ?. As for. The objectives of the research are as follows: (1) To know the quality of leadership of elementary school principal in Region I of Cibeureum  Subdistrict of Sukabumi Regency, (2) To know the level of job satisfaction of elementary school teacher in Region I of Cibeureum Subdistrict of Sukabumi Regency, (3) whether there is a significant relationship between the quality of leadership of the principal and the work satisfaction of elementary school teachers in the Region I District Cibeureum  Sukabumi District. Population amounted to 98 permanent teachers in SD Negeri Region I District Cibeureum Sukabumi  District, instruments used in this study are questionnaires and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferential analysis. (2) Job satisfaction is seen from the tendency of job satisfaction in moderate category, (3) the leadership quality of the principal contributed significantly to the teacher's job satisfaction teachers Elementary School in Region I Cibeureum Sukabumi District.






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