Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Peer Lesson Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pkn Siswa Kelas 6 Sd Negeri Tonjong 1 Kota Sukabumi


  • Eti Suketi PGSD



Peer Lesson Learning Method, Learning Result, Civic


This research based on unoptimal students’ average score in civic subject, which is the 70 point of minimum score couldn’t be reach by the students, especially in subject National Election and District Election. Implementation of conventional learning approach has conclude as one of many indicator that the students learning activity have not improve better and it cause learning result become unoptimal. The aims of the research are; 1) to describe civic learning plan using Peer Lesson method to improve 6th grade students’ aveage score, 2) to describe civic learning activities using using Peer Lesson method to improve 6th grade students’ aveage score, 3) to describe student learning result improvement using Peer Lesson method for civic subject to improve 6th grade students’ aveage score. This research approach is Classroom Action Research through 2 (two) cycles of learning. The subjects of the research are 41 students of 6th grade Tonjong 1 Elementary School. The research conludes of 1st cycle that is students score average just reach 57.60, then on 2nd cycle has rised significantly to 78.40. According to the score average result, Peer Lesson Method implementation has able to improve the students’ score of civic optimally.






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