Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Wordwall Dalam Latihan Harian Matematika Materi Denah dan Skala Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di SDN Menteng 03


  • Firqy Indriyani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Tiurlina Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Fitri Alfarisa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia




Learning Media, Wordwall, Result from Learning.


Researchers aim to see the effectiveness of wordwall media usage and the student responses
to wordwall media. According to the results of the interview at SDN menteng 03, during the
covid-19 pandemic the study was conducted online. Daily exercises performed during online
study of mathematics at SDN menteng 03 are still in the way teachers give the problems and
students copy them into the textbook afterward in photos and then are sent personally through the whatsapp to the subject teacher. The teacher has not used a medium that can be used in daily practice. The method used is the quantitative approach using a pre-design design design for one - group preafflicted posttest design that is a pre-experiment study that USES one group but there are pretests and posttests (yuwanto listyo, 2019:153). According to the data the pretest of the student is 66.56 and the student posttest is 88.75. According to nurgana (within nurhadi, 2018:109) learning can be categorized effectively, if 75% of students get a higher value or equal to KKM ata value of 70. In turn, wilcoxon tests are designed to learn more about the effectiveness of the use of the wordwall media, with its significant value of 0,000 or 0,0000.05, and ho has been rejected, which suggests an average difference between the study of mathematics for pretest and posttest so that it can be proved that the use of wordwall media is effective in mathematical daily exercise activities on grid and scale materials. Research has been continuing to learn how students respond to media use with a student's response to wordwall media usage falls under a "high" category with a frequency of 16 students or 50% of the class student population v SDN menteng 03. Thus, from the data it is known that students have a good response to the use of wordwall media in daily exercise activities.






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