Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Mind Mapping Berbasis Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Peserta Didik
Model Pembelajaran Mind Mapping, Model Pembelajaran RME, Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep MatematisAbstract
This study aims to determine the differences in the ability to understand mathematical concepts of students who learn to use the RME-based Mind Mapping learning model with Mind Mapping and direct learning. And to find out which learning model is better than them. The method used in this research is quantitative method. This type of research uses a quasi-experimental design. The population in this study were all eighth grade students of Azzainiyyah junior high school. The sampling technique was carried out by drawing lots of the four classes in the population and then three classes were taken, namely students of class VIII C as the experimental class 1, VIII D as the experimental class 2, and VIII B as the control class. Data collection techniques with validity, reliability, discriminatory power, and level of difficulty using Anatest V4. Data analysis testing was carried out using SPSS software version.19 using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test statistics for normality and homogeneity tests with Homogenity of Variance tests. The data analysis technique used One Way ANOVA and Post Hoc tests. Based on the results of the normality and homogeneity tests, it was found that the test data from the three groups were normal and homogeneous, followed by the One Way ANOVA and Post Hoc hypothesis testing. From the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that there are differences in the ability to understand mathematical concepts of students using the RME-based Mind Mapping learning model with Mind Mapping, and direct learning. Understanding the mathematical concepts of students using the RME-based Mind Mapping learning model is better than the Mind Mapping learning model, the RME-based Mind Mapping learning model is better than the direct learning model, and the Mind Mapping learning model is better than the direct learning model.
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