Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Berdasarkan Gender
Think Talk Write, Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis, GenderAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of the Think-Talk-Write (TTW) learning model on mathematical communication skills based on gender. This type of research is quantitative research with posttest control group design. The population used in this study were class VIII students with a sample of 2 male classes and 2 female classes that were divided into experimental and control classes. This study resulted in (1) the mathematical communication ability of male students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model the same as the mathematical communication skills of female students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model. (2) The mathematical communication ability of male students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model is the same as the mathematical communication ability of male students using the conventional learning model. (3) The mathematical communication ability of male students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model is the same as the mathematical communication ability of female students using the conventional learning model. (4) The mathematical communication ability of female students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model is better than the mathematical communication ability of male students using the conventional learning model. (5) The mathematical communication ability of female students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model is the same as the mathematical communication ability of female students using the conventional learning model. (6) The mathematical communication ability of male students using the conventional learning model is the same as the mathematical communication ability of female students using the conventional learning model.
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