Keragaman Genetik Dan Rekonstruksi Filogeni Ikan Sidat (Anguilla Spp.) Di Muara Sungai Cimandiri, Pelabuhan Ratu Sukabumi


  • Edwin Edwin
  • Reni Mulyani
  • Neneng Nurbaeti





Indonesian sea waters are the origin of various species of eel (Anguilla spp.) Which are spread
throughout the world. There are 18 species of eel that have been identified in the world, 9 of which
are in Indonesian waters. The life cycle of eel when larvae and juveniles have morphological forms
that are difficult to distinguish between species. The level of difficulty in identifying eel species will
cause delays in disclosure of biodiversity. The high market demand caused concern because
Pelabuhan Ratu Bay is one of the southern coast waters of Java Island which has great potential in
supplying eel larvae and juveniles. One of the locations where eel fish are caught is the estuary of
the Cimandiri river located in the southern part of Pelabuhan Ratu bay. Until now, research on
genetic diversity and phylogeny of eel that has entered the estuary of the river has not been done
much. Even though it is very important to maintain genetic resources, species and ecosystems of
eels. Genetic resources are the basic stages in an effort to protect eel resources in Indonesia,
through this method it will facilitate identification even at the species level when compared to just
using identification methods based on morphological characters.This study used eel fish samples
from the genus Anguilla taken from the mouth of the Cimandiri River, Pelabuhan Ratu. Sampling is
carried out every month starting from December 2017 - March 2018. Samples are taken using anco
and bubu fishing gear. The sample is then preserved with absolute ethanol solution (96%),
followed by the extraction process, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and electrophoresis
amplification. The genus is A. bicolor bicolor, A. nebulosa nebulosa and A. marmorata.






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