The Learning Model Use ; Think, Pair, Share in Improving Collaborative Ability and Student Representation


  • Sukarya Zaenal Arifin Zaenal SMAIT ADZKIA



Background: The research aims to find out the learning model use ; think, pair, share in improving collaborative ability and student representation of human motion system material in grade XI SMAN 4 Bandung. Method: This study is a class action study, which involves 30 students from XI MIPA 6 at sman 4 bandung. The research instruments used observation sheet to measure collaborative ability and representation, and secondary instruments like cognitive tests of multiple choice, student response numbers, and teacher activity observation sheets. Results:  The role of learning model Think, pair, share in improving student colaborative activity increased in cycles I and cycle II with 5 aspects of collaborative ability ; contributions, time management, problem solving, working with others, and investigative techniques. The role of learning model Think, pair, share in improving student representation ability increased in cycle I and II, with 3 aspects of represetation ability ; legibility, depth of material, effectiveness.  Conclusion:  Meanwhile the result shows most of teachers have been run the steps of think, pair, share and the process occured improvement in every cycle.




How to Cite

Zaenal, S. Z. A. (2020). The Learning Model Use ; Think, Pair, Share in Improving Collaborative Ability and Student Representation. Report of Biological Education, 1(2), 63–78.



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