Efektivitas Pembelajaran Etnomatematika Sunda Media Permainan DAKOTA (Dakon Matematika) Terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa Materi KPK dan FPB Kelas IV SDN SEMPU 1


  • Silvi Kirani Agustin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Supriadi Supriadi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia




Pembelajaran Etnomatematika Sunda, Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa


The difficulty of comprehending a mathematical concept is one of the challenges students experience when learning mathematics. The primary contributor is learning methods that do not connect mathematics with real-world situations and cultural backgrounds. Culture can serve as a bridge between students' backgrounds and their mathematical learning. Sundanese Ethnomathematics is the study of the relationship between mathematics and Sundanese culture. The objective of Sundanese Ethnomathematics Learning is to enhance students' mathematical comprehension. This research employed a quasi-experimental design with a Non-equivalent control group design. The object of research comprised two classes, including the experimental class with Sundanese Ethnomathematics Learning and the control class with instructors or without Sundanese Ethnomathematics Learning. The t-test results demonstrated that a significance value of 0.001 was less than 0.05. thus, H0 was rejected implying that there was a difference. The gain test revealed that the experimental class had moderate and high gains and that the student’s views towards Sundanese Ethnomathematics Learning exhibited a positive trend. This indicates that Sundanese Ethnomathematics Learning effective students' mathematical comprehension.


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