Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif, Inovatif, Kreatif, Efektif, Dan Menyenangkan (PAIKEM) Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa
PAIKEM, Fun Learning, Mathematics StrategyAbstract
PAIKEM stands for Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Fun Learning. PAIKEM is an integrated learning that uses strategies, methods, and approaches in such a way that the expected basic competencies can be achieved. The data collection techniques used were 1) Observation and 2) Tests with the aim of ensuring that using the PAIKEM method succeeded in increasing students' understanding abilities in mathematics.
Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that in each learning process, the teacher always carried out the learning according to what had been planned, while student activities were generally categorized as good. The ability of students' mathematical understanding in each cycle through the PAIKEM strategy is classified as the good criterion. This can be seen from the average percentage of students' mathematical understanding ability in cycle I of 72.00% with sufficient criteria, cycle II of 72.00% with sufficient criteria of cycle III of 74.00% with sufficient criteria. In the final test, it was obtained that the average percentage of students' mathematical understanding ability after applying the PAIKEM strategy was 75.00% indicating good criteria.
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