The Influence Of Financial Management Policy And Financial Implementation Performance On Orderly Regional Financial Administration


  • Asha Jindana a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:33:"Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi";}



Financial, management, policy, performance, of, financial, administration, and, orderly, regional


This study aims to determine and explain the influence of regional financial management policies and the performance of concurrent financial administration on the orderly administration of regional finances at the Regional Secretariat of Sukabumi City. The variables used in this study are regional financial management policies (X1) and financial management performance (X2), as well as the orderly administration of regional finances (Y). This study uses a quantitative method with an associative approach.

The population in this study were 316 employees of the Regional Secretariat of Sukabumi City, while the sampling technique used the Taro Yamane formula with an error rate of 11%. Primary data collection was carried out through questionnaires. The analysis technique used starts from the validity and reliability test, normality test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test and hypothesis testing.

The results of the study show that partially or separately each variable, namely regional financial management policies and financial management performance, has an influence on the orderly administration of regional finances. Simultaneous test results also show that jointly the regional financial management policy variables and financial management performance have an influence on the orderly administration of regional finances with an F test value of 12.893 greater than the F table value of 3.14 (12.893> 3.14) with a coefficient value determination or R square value of 0.591 or 59.1%.



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