Pemanfaatan Limbah Styrofoam Untuk Media Hidroponik



styrofoam, hydroponic, urban farming


The transformation ofwaste styrofoam can be used as one way to provide education and agriculture knowledge from an early age. By way of utilizing waste Styrofoam into hydroponic media. It can be used as an attempt to change the mindset of people to the agricultural sector which is synonymous with dirty, hoe and mud. This activity is carried out within a period of 3 months with the goal of society is male and female students grade 4-5 SD Aisyiyah city of Sukabumi. The method used is the socialization of the importance of agriculture and training methods of cultivation with hydroponic systems, as well as entrepreneurship training for students. The results achieved in this program is the knowledge of students, and students against agriculture icreases, the hydroponic cultivation system increases, students can do cultivation technique hydroponic system by utilizing a styrofoam, as well as foster the entrepreneurship spirit of studets.

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