Dampak Pagu Indikatif Wilayah Sektor Pertanian Terhadap Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Di Kota Parepare


  • Rasdiana Rasdiana
  • Irmayani Irmayani




impact, revenue, Territorial Indicative Ceiling of Agricultural Sector


Teritorial Indicative Ceiling of Agricultural Sector is an effort made by the Municipality of Parepare, which has a population of 142.097 people with an area of 99,33 Km2, in order to empower farmers, what are expected to have an impact on poverty reduction in Parepare. The Territorial Indicative Ceiling of Agricultural Sector is the maximum limit of budget that determined by the government of Parepare which is intended for the broader agricultural sector (food crops, plantation, livestock, and fiheries), with the target point being increasing farmer’s income. The purpose of this study was analyze the impact of Territorial Indicative Ceiling of Agricultural Sector on the farmer’s income in Parepare City. This study uses quantitative descriptive analysis method, through non parametric analysis (Wilcoxon signed rak test) with SPSS ver. 23. The respondents involved were food crop farmers, farmers who receiveing tools and agricultural machinery, breeder, and fishermen, by calculating their income based on their age, education, and counselor’s response. The result showed that farmer’s income increased after the Territorial Ceiling of Agricultural Sector is enforced. The food crop sector is the sector with the highest revenue increase of 152,81%, while livestock is the lowest increase, which is 29,36%. Farmers who receiving tools and agricultural machinery as well as fishermen, each of which has a revenue increase of 51,38% and 75,41%.

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