Peningkatan Pemahaman Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Pokok Bahasan Energi dan Perubahannya Melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Active Learning Group Resume pada Peserta Didik Kelas VI SDN Lembursitu 2 Sukabumi


  • Etty Sindawati SDN Lembursitu2 Sukabumi



natural science, classroom action research, learning startegy


The subject of natural science which is hard to undesrtand by students from grade VI SDN Lembursitu
2 Sukabumi is the concept of Energy and Its Change. This is proven by a gaps between the score of practise is
lower than the score of concept. Therefore the classroom action research is conducted to know the efectivity
about learning strategy of Active Learning Group Resume in improving student’s understanding the concept of
Energy and Its Change. Research sampling included with 34 students grade VI SDN Lembursitu 2 Sukabumi.
Research method is used by descriptive study, and data collecting technique consist of observation, interview,
study of document, and test, and data analyze is done by quantitative-descriptive. The result shows that there is
an increased in learning outcomes of student through learning strategy of Active Learning Group Resume. This
is proven by the student average score is from 56,61 to 65,14 in 1st cycle and 73,23 in 2nd cycle. This classroom
action research is considered as successful because of the student average score reached 73,23 %, which mean
exceed KKM’s score is 70.



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