Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran PKN Kompetensi Dasar Memelihara Keutuhan NKRI Melalui Penggunaan Model STAD


  • Widarti Widarti SD Negeri Cipanas




Learning Model, Civic Education, Learning Outcome


This research is carried out based on problems that include; (a) What is the
improvement of civic education learning achievement by applying the STAD model of
cooperative learning? (b) How does the cooperative learning method influence civic
education learning motivation? This study uses action research as many as three rounds.
Each round consists of four stages including; design, activity and observation, reflection, and
revision. The target of this study was the fifth grade students of Cipanas Elementary School in
Citamiang District, Sukabumi City, 2015/2016 academic year. Data obtained in the form of
formative test results, observation sheets of teaching and learning activities. From the results
of the analysis it was found that students' learning achievements experienced an increase
from cycle I to cycle III, namely cycle I (68.42%), cycle II (81.58%). The conclusion of this
study is that cooperative learning methods can have a positive effect on learning achievement
and motivation of fifth grade students at Cipanas Elementary School in Citamiang District,
Sukabumi City and this learning model can be used as an alternative to civic education



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