Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Student Team Achievement Division dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kewarganegaraan Siswa Kelas V SDN Nanggeleng I Kota Sukabumi


  • Ooy Julaeha SDN Nanggeleng 1



Cooperative Student Team Achievement Division


Application of the Student Team Achievement Division Cooperative learning model in
improving the learning outcomes of citizenship education. Research with a classroom action
research approach was carried out collaboratively and two cycles. The main objective of this
study was to determine the improvement in learning outcomes of fifth grade students of
Nanggeleng I Elementary School in subdistrict of Citamiang, Sukabumi City on Citizenship
Education subjects by applying the cooperative learning model of the Student Team
Achievement Division. The research was conducted at Nanggeleng I Elementary School, in
subdistrict of Citamiang, Sukabumi City, which was held in the first semester of September
2015. The subjects of this research were 37 students of the fifth grade of Nanggeleng I
Elementary School, Citamiang subdistrict. The results showed that the average value of
learning outcomes in the first cycle scored 68.10 with a percentage of 70.27%, while in the
second cycle obtained a value of 70.27 with a percentage of 94.59%, meaning that there was an
increase / improvement in student learning outcomes. Likewise the results of student
observations showed an increase in the speed, participation, cooperation, and accuracy of
students by obtaining scores in the first cycle of 69.45%, while in the second cycle they scored
69.45%. This study concluded that the application of the cooperative learning model of the Student Team Achievement Division could improve the learning outcomes of citizenship subjects of the V grade Nanggeleng I Elementary School in Citamiang District, Sukabumi City. In
addition, the application of this learning model can improve the speed, participation,
cooperation, and accuracy of students in the learning process.



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