Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Pembuatan RPP Melalui Supervisi Akademik Pada SMP Mardi Waluya 2 Kota Sukabumi


  • Atim Fatimah Dinas Pendidikan dan kebudayaan Kota Sukabumi




lesson plan, academic supervision.


Lesson plan is an action plan of a face to face learning activity in a meeting or more. A
lesson plan is developed from syllabus to guide students’ learning activities in achieving basic
competence. In doing the teaching learning activity, it must refer to process standard but today there
are still many teachers in many schools who cannot compose a good lesson plan. The problem
formulations in this research are whether by academic supervision, teachers’ ability in composing
lesson plan can increase and whether teachers’ and school’s awareness in composing lesson plan can
increase too. The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of academic supervision to
teachers’ and school’s ability and awareness in composing a lesson plan. This research was done in
two cycles. Steps in each cycle there were planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The
result of this research is that academic supervision can increase teachers’ ability in composing a
lesson plan and it can increase teachers’ and school’s awareness in composing a lesson plan.



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