Penerapan Model Students Teaching Achievement Division Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Notasi Angka Di Kelas Tinggi


  • Sep Zimat Pahlawan Dwi Putra
  • iis nurasiah
  • luthfi hamdani maula



Tone, Number Notation , STAD Cooperative Learning Mode


This research is based on background behind by the low reading number notation skills of grade IV students in SBdP subject, because the students never learned how to read numerical notation. The purpose of this research is to described the application of the STAD cooperative learning model and described the results of improving the reading skill of number notaions in SBdP subject. The type research was used Classroom Action Research ( CAR ) with a research design was used Kemmis and McTaggart models in 2 cycles. This research is complimented by data colletion in the form of the test results reading numeric notation, documentation, observation sheets and field notes. Participant in this study there were 20 grade IV students consisting of 12 women and 8 men. Results research on pre-cycle of students obtain completeness classical 0% means that nothing completed, in the first cycle obtained completeness classical 50% and in cycle II obtained completeness in 100% classical. The results of the research proved that applied the STAD cooperative learning model could improved the number reading skills of grade IV at Babakan sirna Elementary School in Sukabumi City academic year 2018/2019.



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