Budaya Bertani Di Thailand Selatan

(Studi Kasus Di Provinsi Pattani Dan Provinsi Yala Di Thailand Selatan)


  • Andriansyah Andriansyah




Farming, Culture, Southern Thailand


Research "Farming Culture in Southern Thailand is a case study conducted in Pattani Province and Yala Province. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with survey research techniques. The results showed that the culture of farming in Pattani Province and Yala Province of Southern Thailand included the language used was Malay, a belief held by the majority of Muslims, community organizations did not exist, while commodities that were cultivated for rubber and alsintan were still simple. Research conclusions state that the culture of farming in Pattani Province and Yala Province of Southern Thailand includes the language used is Malay, a belief that is held by the majority of Muslims, community organizations do not exist, while commodities that are cultivated for rubber and alsintan are still simple.



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