SYANTIK, Performance, School CommitteAbstract
School Operation Fund (In Indonesian is abbreviated as BOS). Having said that, the fact tells a different story. The BOS program has become merely a good one in theory, very little has been achieved in the implementation. There are often delays in the disbursement of the fund and the amount is obviously inadequate to cover school actual expenditures. Moreover, the execution of BOS have to follow some regulations which are not aligned with the real needs. It needs a good synergy of school and parents during the processes. To enhance the process, one of the solutions is to improve school committee roles and functions, as parents representatives, in accordance with Permendikbud no 75 year 2016, about school committee.In the endeavour to improve the school committee contributions to school programs, The “SYANTIK†method is used. “SYANTIK†is abbreviated from Sinergi (Synergy), Yakin (Trust), Adaptif (Adaptive), Normative (Normative) Tertib (Well ordered) Inovatif (Innovative) and Kreatif (Creative). The whole school entities and the school committee are making every effort to apply the method through some important steps, those are : Preparation, Execution, Evaluation and Follow-up.Overall, SYANTIK method has gradually yet effectively solved some problems occurs at school. It is generally accepted that the school committee involvement has bring about real and fruitful benefits to whole school programs.