REORIENTASI TARGET ALIH INOVASI TEKNOLOGI USAHATANI JAMUR TIRAM (Studi Kasus di Beberapa Posdaya Jamur Tiram di Kecamatan Waluran dan Nyalindung)


  • Neneng Kartika Rini


Posdaya, technologicalinnovation, farming, oyster mushrooms.


Thematic learning program since 2011 LPPM UMMI held indifferent areas of thesub-districtin the cityand districtof Sukabumi. Thematic learning programs UMMI weeks to support the achievement of the MDG targets by thesociety, economy,science and technology and the implementation penngembangan Persyarikatan branches and twigs. UMMI Thematic Concept combines the concept of service learning education, research, and community serviceas stated in the RIP and RIPkM UMMI 2013. Thematic umbrella programis he establishment and strengthening ofthe Post Family Empowerment (Posdaya), and thetheme is"Strengthening the Family Empowerment ToGrow DevelopIndependent Community and Persyarikatan". Formation Posdaya adjusted tothe results of observation sconducted on the potential ofthe region, the components that support, however the presence of Posdaya should be able to cover that carried the four areas: Economy,Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs. As Posdaya engagedin Economic sand the Environment in the District Nyalindung namely; Posdaya Cisantri, Posdaya Cibogo, Group Cikaret Mushrooms, Mushroom Group Fortress, Bojonglopang Mushroom Groupand District Walurane specially Caringin Nunggal village withits Creativ Sari Posdaya Mushrooms. Assessmentand research on the implementation of the program asoyster mushroom farms in several villagesand Posdayai n the twosub-distric tstill needs tobe done. Research reorientation towards the target over the oyster mushroom farming technologyinnovationinsomeof thePosdayaby analyzingthe components offarming activities must be improved, maintained,or changedits development strategy. Primary data from farmer sactors, with the method ofthe Census was taken, processed, andanalyzed, using test equipment performance Important Analys(IPA), andto examine the relationship Reorientation targets for technology transfer and improvement ofoyster mushroom farm income of farmers by means ofchi-squaretest(X2).Testresultsshowed that: The top priorityin Quadrant: Efforts to improve th emanufacture of formulations beglo gwith hormone/PGR microbial helpers, making the F0and F1seeds by farmers them selvesor UMMI Agribusiness Laboratory, The processing of mushroom products in Posdaya concerned to increase the economic value Posdaya and Farmers, while beglog sterilization and sterilization when planting seedlings, and Marketing and in th equadrant Exist achievement. At the low priority quadrant indicated institutional conditions and market networking, promotion, and Farmers Capacity BuildingTraining to improve fungalis still low. There is apositive relations hip effect between there orientation oftechnological innovation over he oyster mushroom farm income increaseof farmers farming oyster mushrooms.






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