Report of Biological Education <p align="justify"><strong>Report of Biological Education</strong> (e-ISSN: <a href="">2745-7680</a>) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Biology Education, Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi. <strong>Report of Biological Education</strong> collaborates with Himpunan Pendidik dan Peneliti Biologi Indonesia (HPPBI). Since its first issued in 2020, <strong>Report of Biological Education</strong> has been publishing scientific articles consistently research articles. <strong>Report of Biological Education</strong> publishes the new editions every June and December. <strong>Report of Biological Education</strong> is indexed by <a href=";user=bfw2uE4AAAAJ">Google Scholar</a>, <a href=";from_ui=yes">Crossref</a>, <a href="">Garuda</a> (Garba Rujukan Digital), <a href=";name=&amp;oaboost=1&amp;newsearch=1&amp;refid=dcbasen">Base</a>, <a href="">Dimensions</a></p> Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi en-US Report of Biological Education 2745-7680 Building Skills to be Consistent in Students' Digital Information by Utilizing The Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia (EOW) on The Material of The Sensory System <p><strong>Background</strong>: This research is motivated by the lack of students being consistent in seeking digital information during learning, especially in terms of solving problems and understanding the issues of the problems given. The purpose of the study was to measure the skills of being consistent in searching for digital information and the achievement of students' learning outcomes in solving a problem. <strong>Method</strong>: The method used is quantitative experiment in the form of Pre-Experiment Design. This study involved 28 students of XI MIPA 3 SMAN 1 Katapang. The review of the sub-indicators of being consistent in finding digital information was carried out with a One Shot Study of observation and scoring on the observation sheet instrument, while the method used to examine students' mastery of concepts was the One Group Pretest-Posttest design, using instruments in the form of multiple choice questions. <strong>Results</strong>: The results of this study show that the average value of consistent skills in finding digital information of students is 76, pretest 39.61, posttest 81.18, and the knowledge improvement index (N-gain) was dominated by medium (0.60). Students' positive response to learning received an overall average score of 80.4. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Thus, learning with the use of Encyclopedias Online Wikipedia (EOW) is effective for improving student learning outcomes on the material of the Sensory System.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong><em>Consistent attitude skills</em>;<em> Encyclopedias Online Wikipedia (EOW); Material of the Sensory System</em></p> Pimpi Geolita IYN Hizqiyah U Toharudin Copyright (c) 2024 Pimpi Geolita, IYN Hizqiyah, U Toharudin 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 2 30 37 10.37150/rebion.v5i2.2881 Student Digital Literacy Through an Integrated Mobile Augmented Reality STEM Learning Model <p><em><strong>Background</strong>: In the 21st century, among the learning skills that students need and need is digital literacy skills. This study has two objectives, including to determine students' digital literacy skills in each digital literacy indicator after using the mobile augmented reality integrated STEM learning model, and to find out students' responses to the mobile augmented reality integrated STEM learning model. <strong>Methods</strong>: this study applied a quantitative approach method with the research population of students in grade XI of SMAN 4 Sukabumi with a sample of class XI 3 as the control class and XI 4 as the experimental class. Sample withdrawal technique In this study, a Quasi experiment research design was used with a non-equivalent control group pattern.</em><em> The instruments used in this study are in the form of digital literacy questionnaires and student response questionnaires. The digital literacy questionnaire used included 18 statements and the student response questionnaire contained 10 statements. <strong>Results</strong>: Data analysis technique using t-test (Independent Sample T-test). The results of the calculation of the Independent Sample T-test are 0.00 &lt; 0.05, it can be concluded that Hl is accepted and H₀ is rejected. This means that there are implications of the Mobile Augmented Reality integrated STEM learning model on students' digital literacy. Analysis of student response questionnaire data shows an average score percentage of 82% with the "Very Good" category. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: In this study, the mobile augmented reality integrated STEM learning model has an effect on students' digital literacy and student responses are included in the "Very Good" category.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Digital Literacy; STEM Learning Model; Mobile Augmented Reality</em></p> Agus Suherlan Ane Nitra Halida Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Suherlan, Ane Nitra Halida 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 2 61 70 10.37150/rebion.v5i2.3192 The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Media Assisted by Millealab on The Cognitive Abilities of Junior High School Students on The Concept of Virus <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Education plays an important role in shaping a highly skilled workforce. In the era of technological advancement, especially in the field of education, new opportunities are emerging for the advancement of more innovative and efficient teaching methodologies. Virtual reality (VR) stands out as an important technology in this regard. Its utilization in educational settings offers an engaging and interactive learning experience, with the potential to enhance the understanding of abstract concepts, especially in secondary school settings. <strong>Methods:</strong> The study was conducted to Class IX at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sukabumi with a total of 10 students. The instruments used in this study were cognitive ability questions. Data analysis using hypothesis testing through SPSS version 29. <strong>Results:</strong> the use of Virtual Reality media assisted by Millealab has an effect on the Cognitive ability of Junior High School Students on the Virus Concept with a significance value of 0.001. The average N-Gain achievement on cognitive ability indicators is 0.45 (medium). Indicator C1 (knowing) has the highest N-Gain value of 0.53 and indicator C3 (applying) has the lowest N-Gain of 0.39. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Virtual Reality media assisted by Millealab can improve the cognitive abilities of junior high school students on the concept of viruses. </em></p> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong><em>Virtual Reality</em>; <em>Millealab</em>; <em>Viruses</em></p> Fadhil Fauzan Suhendar Setiana Copyright (c) 2024 Fadhil Fauzan, Suhendar Setiana 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 2 54 60 10.37150/rebion.v5i2.2946 Correlation between Enthusiasm Level and Entrepreneurial Personality <p><strong>Background</strong>: Entrepreneurship education plays a crucial role in developing students' entrepreneurial potential. Two significant aspects of this education are Enthusiasm Level and Entrepreneurial Personality. This study aims to examine the correlation between students' Enthusiasm Level and Entrepreneurial Personality in the implementation of the entrepreneurial-based Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) at a high school in Sukabumi Regency. <strong>Method</strong>: Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data were collected through a questionnaire consisting of 44 statements and in-depth interviews with teachers. <strong>Results</strong>: The results showed that the implementation of the P5 Project had a positive impact on students' enthusiasm and Entrepreneurial Personality. Pearson correlation test indicated a very weak positive relationship between Enthusiasm Level and Entrepreneurial Personality with a correlation coefficient of 0.117 and significance of 0.041. Although this relationship is significant, its strength is very low, suggesting that other factors may have a greater influence on the development of Entrepreneurial Personality. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: This research provides insights into the importance of creating a supportive learning environment to enhance students' enthusiasm and Entrepreneurial Personality.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong><em>Project to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles (P5), Enthusiasm Level, Entrepreneurial Personality, independent curriculum, entrepreneurship education</em></p> Vina Tri Agustiani Rahman Endris Rukmana Billyardi Ramdhan Copyright (c) 2024 Vina Tri Agustiani Rahman, Endris Rukmana, Billyardi Ramdhan 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 2 44 53 10.37150/rebion.v5i2.3196 Analysis of High School Students’ Learning Styles in Biology Material <p><strong>Background</strong>: The background of this research there has been no mapping of students’ learning styles, so that the implementation of differentiated learning has not been optimal. <strong>Method</strong>: This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach with 25 students in grades X, XI, and XII of SMA Muhammadiyah Kota Sukabumi as research subjects. This instruments used in this study include a learning style questionnaire and teacher interview guidelines. <strong>Result</strong>: The result of the analysis of the analysis of the learning styles of all students of SMA Muhammadiyah Sukabumi in the 2023/2024 academic year are visual 64,37%, auditory 28,37%, kinesthetic 5,29%, a combination of visual and auditory 1,96%. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: This study shows that the learning syles of students at SMA Muhammadiyah Sukabumi are diverse, with a dominancw of visual learning styles, followed by auditory and kinesthetic. This finding emphasizes the importance of implementing differentiated learning to meet the individual needs of students. In the context of the independent curriculum, learning strategies that consider learning styles can improve student motivation and learning outcomes, especially in Biology subjects.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong>Learning style, visual, auditory, kinesthetic</p> Bella Cindy Indriani Mira Mariana Agustini Copyright (c) 2024 Bella Cindy Indriani, Mira Mariana Agustini 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 2 38 43 10.37150/rebion.v5i2.2973