Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dan Sikap Ibu dengan Kelengkapan Imunisasi Masa Pandemic Covid-19 di Desa Warnasari


  • Rani Fitriani Arifin STIKes Sukabumi
  • Siti Rofifah Nur’aeni STIKes Sukabumi
  • Dwi Retno Wulan RSUD R. Syamsudin, SH



Family Support, Attitude, Immunization


Immunization is the process by which a person is made immune to an infectious disease, usually by administering a vaccine. Family support is support given by family members so that individuals who are given support feel that they are cared for, valued, and get help from meaningful people and have strong family ties with other family members. Attitude is a person's closed response to a particular stimulus or object. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between family support and mother's attitude with the completeness of immunization during the COVID-19 pandemic. The design of this research is correlational using a cross sectional approach. The study population was all mothers who had children aged 10-12 months with a sample of 52 people with a total sampling technique. Data analysis using univariate analysis with median, frequency distribution and percentage of each category, bivariate analysis using chi square test. Analysis of the hypothesis test with a P-value of family support and immunization completeness 0.003 and immunization support and mother's attitude 0.008 which shows that there is a relationship between family support and mother's attitude with immunization completeness during the covid-19 pandemic. It was concluded that most mothers who had children aged 10-12 months had supportive family support, positive maternal attitudes and complete immunization completeness and there was a relationship between family support and maternal attitudes with immunization completeness during the COVID-19 pandemic.



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