Perbedaan Kualitas Seksual Wanita dengan Kontrasepsi Hormonal dan Non Hormonal di Desa Kamulyan Kecamatan Tambak


  • Herniyatun Herniyatun Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Gea Andriani Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Diah Astutiningrum Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong



Sexual Quality, Hormonal Contraceptives, Non Hormonal Contraceptives


The Family Planning Program (KB) is aims to regulate the birth spacing of children, the ideal age to give a birth, regulate pregnancy, and carry out promotions, protections, assistance according to reproductive rights to build a happy family. Contraceptives that used in Indonesia are categorized as hormonal contraception and non-hormonal contraception. According to research, hormonal contraceptives have side effects that can reduce sexual libido. Decreased libido has affects for a person's sexual quality.

Determins the The Different Of Sexual Quality In Women With Hormonal And Non Hormonal Contraceptions In Kamulyan Village Tambak District

The type of this research was a quantitative research method and used a cross-sectional approach. The sample of this research was 128 respondents, which were taken using accidental sampling. Data analysis used Independent sample t-test test, with a questionnaire with 17 questions items for took a sample.

Result: Independent sample t-test test showed that the average result for hormonal contraception was 62.11 and the average for non-hormonal contraception was 60.10. And p=0.030 (<0.05).

There was a different of sexual quality in women between use hormonal contraception and non-hormonal contraception in Kamulyan village, Tambak district, with was p value: 0.030 (<0.05).






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