Model Pengelolaan Agropark Berbasis Green Economy


  • Putri Agustina Agribisnis UMMI



Green Economy, Sustainable Development, Agropark


Increasing national economic resilience is an important part in facing global competition which can have both positive and negative impacts. The existence of a green economy concept is expected to be able to become an economic system that provides efficient value, is environment riendly and is able to reduce the impact of climate change in the long term. The aim is to analyze what aspects can be implemented in a green economy model. Agropark Mabda Islam is one of the tourist attractions in Kp. Pasir Gede, Nyalindung Village, Nyalindung District, Sukabumi Regency. The type of data that were sed in this research is primary data. Primary data is data that will be obtained from the results of interviews and direct observations made to the managers of Agropark Mabda Islam. Agropark Mabda Islam has been able to implement a green economy model. All aspects have been fulfilled (economic, environmental, and social) Green economy can be done in various ways, including being able to carry out sustainable management which aims to create a green economy in the Mabda Islam Agropark, there are three sectors of agriculture, agriculture, and fisheries. These three sectors can help improve the welfare of the people in the area, especially the Nyalindung village, so that later they will be able to realize an economic system that is compatible with environment friendly sustainable agriculture.






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