Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat <p align="justify"><strong>Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> (eISSN: <a style="color: black;" href="">2548-4397</a>, pISSN: <a style="color: black;" href="">2460-576X</a>) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Institute of Research and Community Services, Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi. Since its first issued in 2016, <strong>Surya </strong>has been publishing scientific articles consistently research articles. <strong>Surya</strong> publishes the new editions every May and November. <strong>Surya</strong> is indexed by <a href="">Google Scholar</a>,<a href=";from_ui=yes">Crossref</a></p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi en-US Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2460-576X Tahapan dan Strategi dalam Mengakuisisi Perusahaan, Studi Kasus: Akuisisi Hikmah Grafika oleh PT Salmand <p><em>This acquisition can have a positive impact on the creative industry as a whole. However, the process of integrating and merging companies is also not free from challenges. Combining company culture, operational systems, and work teams requires good planning and coordination to be implemented successfully. The activity method for the acquisition of Hikmah Graphics by PT Salmand consists of 2 major activities, namely a transition program that lasts for 1 year which is supported by the application of main management principles, namely realistic planning, proper organizing, agile actuating, real-time monitoring, and strong control. The acquisition strategy of Hikmah Graphics by PT Salmand using a 9 series transition program method supported by the application of good management principles, using the canvas business model as a program approach, has succeeded in bringing Hikmah Graphics Barokah into a stable and strong company, and ready to carry out expansion or business expansion.</em></p> Arif Supendi Copyright (c) 2023 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 5 2 74 87 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2271 Senam Pagi Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kebugaran dan Interaksi Sosial Masyarakat Desa Asrikaton Kabupaten Malang <p><em>Morning exercise is a physical activity that has long been known to have positive benefits for individual health. This study aims to investigate the effects of a morning exercise program on the fitness and social interaction of the community in Asrikaton Village, Malang Regency, Indonesia. The study actively involved the participation of villagers of various age groups. The morning exercise program was conducted regularly every day and assisted by experienced instructors in the field. During the research period, health and familial data were collected through surveys, observations, and interviews with morning exercise participants.</em></p> <p><em>Observations by the KKM group from UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang showed that the majority of morning exercise participants were aged 25-39 years, and most residents of Asrikaton Village exercised only once a week. The morning exercise program had a significant positive impact on the physical and mental health of the Asrikaton Village community. There was a notable increase in physical fitness, a decrease in stress levels, and an improvement in the sense of togetherness, social interaction, and family relationships. Participation in morning exercise also contributed to raising awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. </em><em>Therefore, morning exercise serves not only as an effort to improve public health but also helps strengthen family ties through social interaction within the Asrikaton Village community. This research provides a strong foundation to support and encourage morning exercise activities in rural communities as part of broader health and community-building efforts., </em></p> Eny Yulianti Ulil Fitriyah Maulidhotur Ro’iyah Mochamad Lailul Fadlan Naufal Rizqi Haq Dani Sanaya Majdi Ahmad Taufiqurrahman Al-Rosyid Audy Az Zahra Sofwatul Widad Hakim Anits Zamroni Copyright (c) 2023 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 5 2 88 97 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2345 Sosialisasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Remaja SMP Muhammadiyah 61 Tanjung Selamet <p><em>Adolescence is an important period that requires proper knowledge about reproductive health to avoid risks such as unwanted pregnancy, risky sexual behavior, and the spread of HIV/AIDS. This study aims to increase understanding and awareness of adolescent reproductive health at SMP Muhammadiyah 61 Tanjung Selamat through community service activities. Through counseling approaches and interactive discussions, students are provided with information about physical changes, reproductive health, and the impact of unhealthy behaviors. The results of this activity show the high enthusiasm of students in discussions and questions related to reproductive health, indicating the success of the program. This counseling provides a positive first step in equipping students with essential knowledge to make smart decisions related to reproductive health. For the continuation of the program, it is recommended to conduct periodic evaluations, form a team of trained adolescent counselors, and conduct monitoring by accompanying teachers to ensure the application of reproductive health information in students' daily lives. With support from educators and medical personnel, it is hoped that students can develop a better understanding of reproductive health and build a positive attitude towards self-care.</em></p> <p> </p> Rizqa Auliyah Shifah Sagala Hasanatun Laili Jesi Wanda Harahap Mega Rahmadani Siregar Medina Elly Vanda Wanda Aulia Oktapianti Copyright (c) 2023 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 5 2 98 102 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2421 Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Anemia dan Pentingnya Konsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah di SMP Muhammadiyah 61 Tanjung Selamat <p><em>Anemia in adolescents is one of the significant health problems, affecting their growth, development, and well-being, attention to the problem of anemia in adolescents is very important in the context of prevention and early treatment efforts. This study aims to conduct health counseling at SMP Muhammadiyah 61 Tanjung Selamat about anemia and educate students about the importance of consuming blood-added tablets. The counseling method involves presentations, questions and answers, and educational games. Counseling participants consisted of students of SMP Muhammadiyah 61 class VII and IX in the age range of 12-15 years. The results of this activity show an increase in students' knowledge about anemia and its impact on health. In addition, their understanding of the benefits of blood-added tablets has also increased. Post-counseling evaluations showed that the majority of students expressed readiness to adopt positive changes in diet and take blood-added tablets.</em></p> Sylva Qamara Nur Fadilah Zahwatul Hasanah Siregar Diva Aulia Nathasya Khairiyah Dwi Vanesa Aina Fitrah Aulia Ritonga Eka Fitria Saragih Akmal Fiqhi Ranu Mahendra Copyright (c) 2023 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 5 2 103 108 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2426 Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Menurunkan Prevalensi Anemia Pada Remaja, dan Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Anemia <p><em>Anemia is a disease characterized by lower-than-normal hemoglobin (Hb) levels in the blood. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that functions to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Based on the research findings, it is known that the role of Posyandu adolescents is to provide health services by health workers. The services provided are in the form of facilitators who will conduct health checks and refer adolescent girls diagnosed with anemia to the Puskesmas for hemoglobin testing. Since adolescent girls are at risk of anemia during menstruation, Posyandu Remaja needs to motivate them to take blood product tablets and undergo regular health checks every month. This study uses a literature review methodology that focuses on themes or variables obtained from previous research, namely written research (Wahyudi, 2022). Data regarding the role of health workers in reducing the prevalence of anemia in adolescents and factors influencing the occurrence of anemia were identified from research articles and literature reviews. Similar to Bangladesh and India, the prevalence of anemia in India is very high at 45.9%. One of the main factors causing anemia in adolescent girls is improper nutritional habits.</em></p> Ade Irma Seftiyani Lubis Aisa Maharani Hasibuan Annisa Riandini Erika Ayenti Fahira Ramadhani Saragih Muhammad Fauzi Sitorus Nisrina Nisrina Copyright (c) 2023 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 5 2 109 115 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2465 Pelatihan Penggunaan Atraktan dan Yellow Trap untuk Pengendalian Hama Tanaman Pepaya Di Kelompok Tani Harapan Maju Banjarnegara <p><em>Salah satu usaha tani yang dikelola oleh anggota Kelompok Tani Harapan Maju Desa Sambong</em><em>, Banjarnegara</em><em> yaitu budidaya tanaman pepaya.</em> <em>Permasalahan pada budidaya tanaman pepaya salah satunya yaitu adanya serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT). OPT yang menyerang pepaya antara lain lalat buah, kutu kebul, antraknosa, dan lainnya.</em> <em>Kelompok Tani Harapan Maju belum pernah memperoleh keterampilan khusus penanganan lalat buah pada pepaya. Salah satu cara pengendalian hama lalat buah yaitu penggunaan atraktan.</em> <em>Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah yang dilaksanakan di Aula Dusun Poncol, dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dan pemberian kuisioner pada peserta. Kegiatan akhir yaitu praktik penggunaan atraktan dan yellow trap di lahan tanaman pepaya Kelompok Tani Harapan Maju. </em><em>Hasil kegiatan berupa p</em><em>eserta mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam penggunaan atraktan dan yellow trap pada tanaman pepaya. Hasil analisis korelasi antar peubah menunjukkan bahwa hubungan korelasi tingkat pendidikan dengan umur yaitu 0,8338. Hubungan korelasi tingkat pendidikan dengan nilai test yaitu -0,0783. Hubungan korelasi umur dengan nilai test yaitu -0,1922. Hubungan korelasi tingkat pendidikan dan umur dengan nilai test yaitu -0,1075. </em></p> Eko Apriliyanto Copyright (c) 2023 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 5 2 116 121 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2472 Edukasi Kesehatan Mental Remaja Menggunakan Media Leaflet Pada Anak Sekolah Menengah Pertama <p><em>Mental health education for teenagers is very important to increase teenagers' knowledge and awareness about mental health and prevent mental health disorders in teenagers. This research aims to increase students' knowledge about adolescent mental health. This research uses an experimental method with a pretest-posttest design to measure students' level of knowledge before and after conducting youth mental health education using leaflets and short presentations. The research was conducted on 58 junior high school students at SMP Muhammadiyah 61 Tanjung Selamat, Pancur Batu sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency. The results of this activity show a positive trend in increasing students' understanding and knowledge of Mental Health using leaflet media. This is shown by the increase in the percentage of students who have good abilities in the post-test results. As many as 86.6% of class VII students and 100% of class IX students have good abilities. The improvement in the abilities of class VII and class IX students was more significant in the post-test results. The conclusion is that educating using leaflet media can expand the knowledge and understanding of Muhammadiyah 61 Tanjung Selamat Middle School students regarding mental health in adolescents.</em></p> Adinda Azima Riskiya Sibarani Anisa Ayu Lestari Aprida Aulia Rizki Lutfiah Ramadhani Rahmi Vovo Silvina Mutia Afrianda Nisrina Nisrina Copyright (c) 2023 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 5 2 122 126 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2474 Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Ambulans Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta <p style="margin: 0in; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-ID" style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;"><em>This article is a report on the activities of the Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) Humanitarian Project for Social Welfare Science students. Considering the urgency to create standard standards in providing services to the community, Muhammadiyah Ambulance together with MBKM students realized the formation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). This SOP will be a standard and structured guide for Muhammadiyah Ambulance drivers, crew, and volunteers in carrying out their duties. Creating, finalizing, and implementing good SOPs is an important step to improve the quality and effectiveness of Muhammadiyah Ambulance services, as well as minimizing the risks associated with the absence of SOPs or inconsistent implementation. Service operational standards as a requirement in service mobility will contain five important things, including first, service management standards, second, driver and crew rules, third, ethics in driving, fourth regarding unit and service procedures, and fifth, additional rules required in service. This SOP was created through several stages, namely operational update assessment, planning, focus group discussion (FGD), review, validation and legitimacy, policy implementation, and evaluation. All stages have been carried out thoroughly and maximally over a period of three months, resulting in a structured standard guide in the form of Standard Operational Procedures for Muhammadiyah Ambulance Services. This SOP has now been used in your Ambulance service. The planning for making this SOP was carried out well thanks to the collaboration between MBKM humanitarian project students and the Yogyakarta Special Region Ambulance Service agency</em>.</span></p> Nadzira Mafaza Rahadiani Dinda Fadillah Musyarofah Apriliana Fauzia Lathiful Khuluq Copyright (c) 2024 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2024-01-09 2024-01-09 5 2 127 142 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2479 Pelatihan Senam Bugar Muhamamdiyah bagi Guru dan Siswa Sekolah Muhamamdiyah di Kota/Kab Sukabumi <p><em>Senam Bugar Muhamamdiyah Socialization and Training is a training and outreach activity regarding Senam Bugar Muhamamdiyah which can be used as one of the physical activities to improve the degree of physical fitness of students in Muhammadiyah schools and the Muhammadiyah community. This fitness exercise involves all ages and has irreversible movements, so it can be done together. The activity locations were in several Muhammadiyah schools, namely MI Muhammadiyah Cipetir with 287 students and 14 teachers, MTs Muhammadiyah Cipoho 27 students, SMA Muhammadiyah Sukabumi City with 37 students and in Kp. Cigrass Ds. Sela Awi kec. There were 40 people in Sukaraja, Sukabumi Regency, bringing the total activity participants to 405 participants. Activities carried out for 6 months with meetings once a week. Schedule of activities attached. The achievement of the success of the training was 65% of the participants had memorized the Muhamamdoyah fitness movement and the rest had not memorized it well. We can say that the activity went quite well. There were several factors that hindered the implementation of socialization and training including limited time at school which was cut short by the Ramadan holidays and Eid al-Fitr holidays so that it had quite an effect on the results of the Senam Bugar Muhamamdiyah training because participants were cut off for training and when the exercises started again, the participants forgot again with the movements so they had to start over from the beginning in providing training, the characteristics of students who were still difficult to instruct and students' interest in gymnastic activities were still lacking. However, the supporting factors include adequate facilities and infrastructure, teacher participation, and conducive school support.</em></p> Wening Nugraheni Bachtiar Bachtiar Ika Yulianingsih Copyright (c) 2024 Surya : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 2 143 145 10.37150/jsu.v5i2.2289