Strategi Komunikasi Bisnis Di Era Digital Sebagai Upaya Mengembangkan Potensi Desa Tambakroto, Pekalongan


  • Setya Indah Isnawati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Jaya Ramadaey Bangsa Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Abdul Aziz Universitas Ngudi Waluyo



Komunikasi Bisnis, Potensi Desa, Strategi Pemasaran, Potensi Desa Business Communication, Village Potential, Marketing Strategy, Village Potential


Currently, Tambakroto Village is already strong enough, both in terms of human resources and natural resources and there have been many useful activities carried out in an effort to improve the village economy. They still don't understand how to properly interact with customers/consumers. Ethics in communicating in business is also often neglected, for example in the speed of responding to customer complaints. Therefore, understanding and knowledge are needed for local village management and youth as stakeholders in communicating with the wider community, especially consumers. Knowledge of this business communication strategy is very important for students, business policy makers to the general public so that the management of village potential can be known and understood properly. Good and bad village management greatly affects the management of the potentials of each village so that it can become a source of village economic producers and lift the economy of the villagers around it.


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