Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil 2022-07-12T09:59:25+07:00 Yanti Sundari Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil ( </strong><strong>e-ISSN: </strong><a href="">2686-5033</a>) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Civil Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi. <strong>Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil </strong><strong> is currently inactive</strong></p> ANALISA KETERSEDIAAN DEBIT AIR SUNGAI CIBUNI MENGGUNAKAN METODE F.J MOCK DAN NRECA 2022-01-08T07:56:24+07:00 dede ariswandi <p><em>In a hydropower planning plan, an important factor that must be known is: the amount of monthly discharge and flagship discharge, as well as the river canfography.</em></p> <p><em>To calculate the amount of water availability in Cibuni watershed for the needs of the PLTMH, the discharge analysis of the F.J MCOK method and the NRECA method and the magnitude of the potential evapotranspiration use the Penman method. Hujang bulk data used is rainfall data obtained from 5 rain stations in the form of monthly rainfall for 16 years from 1996-2011.</em></p> <p><em>From the calculation of the F.J Mock method for the availability of water in Cibuni Das, a maximum discharge of 28.46 m3 / dt and minimum water discharge of 0.11 m3 / dt. As for the NRECA method is a maximum water discharge of 26.50 m3 / dt and minimum water discharge of 2.77 m3 / dt. Based on the calculation results, for the F.J Mock method is more suitable for use in Cibuni watershed compared to Nreca.</em></p> 2021-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil PEMADATAN PADA TANAH DAERAH NYALINDUNG DENGAN METODE MODIFIED PROCTOR 2022-07-12T09:45:04+07:00 Nasrul Jabar <p><em>Peningkatan penduduk dengan pesatnya ekonomi masyarakat Kota Sukabumi yang diikuti dengan adanya, perkembangan dengan jumlah kendaraan dan berkembang, untuk itu di perlukan tanah timbunan ataupun galiannya dengan perolehan tinggi tanah serta perencanaan dan perolehan tanah timbunan mutu baik dan pemadatan tanah dan struktur serta pembebanan yang ada.Tanah di daerah Nyalindung yang tidak stabil dan menyebar di seluruh Kecamatan Nyalindung, memiliki jenis tanah yaitu tanah lempung, lanau, ,batu, Kerikil berdasarkan taksonomi tanah tahun 2010 (USDA), jenis tanah lempung dapat digunakan bahan sebelum dilaksanakaan suatu kontruksi jalannya dengan pembaruan, tetapi tanah yang tidak stabil dapat merusak jalan, karena penyebarannya yang tidak stabil dapat merubah tanah kontruksi jalan pedesaan, sehingga banyak kontruksi jalan pedesaan yang rusak walaupun sudah di perbaiki.Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, maka bagaimana pemadatan pada tanah di daerah Nyalindung dengan menggunakan metode modified proctor Tujuan dari penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui jenis tanah dan sifat-sifat fisik tanah yang berasal dari Kecamatan Nyalindung Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Untuk mengetahui nilai kepadatan tanah yang ada di daerah Nyalindung. peneliti menggunakan metode eksperimen berdasarkan data primer yang dilakukan dilaboraturium Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Metode penelitian dipergunakan dengan secara langsung dilaboratorium dan dilapangan. Maksud kajian ini untuk melihat jenis tanah jalan di daerah Kebonkai Desa Nyalindung. Dengan adanya eksperimen ini diperuntukan untuk melihat fisik uji propertis.Hasil data yang diperoleh pada percobaan 1, 2, dan 3 tidak kurang dari di lab 85% dengan jarak antar pengujian sand cone 50 meter. oleh karena itu Kesimpulan yang didapat Sifat fisik tanah yang berasal dari Kecamatan Nyalindung Kabupaten Sukabumi memiliki jenis tanah lempung dan Kepadatan tanah pengujian kompaksi sebesar 1,219 gr/cm3 dan sand cone yang memiliki berat isi tanah kering 1,06 gr/cm3, 1,07 gr/cm3, 1,08 gr/cm3 dan ratio sebesar sebesar 87,23 %, 87,75 %, 88,41 %. Sehingga nilai tersebut tidak kurang dari nilai ratio sand cone sebesar 85 % dari data laboratorium. sehingga peneliti menyarankan Dibutuhkannya, ada nya kajian yang berlanjut dengan memakai metode yang berbeda sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang lebih optimal dan mendapatkan perbandingan dari hasil penelitian ini.</em></p> <p> </p> 2021-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil PERENCANAAN KEBUTUHAN BIAYA JARINGAN IRIGASI D.I WARUNGKIARA 2022-07-12T09:50:41+07:00 ra'dan tsauran ra'dan tsauran nuurun barqul fathi <p><em>One of the functions of irrigation is as a means of water resources that have an important role. One of the roles of irrigation in the utilization of water resources is to regulate the supply of agricultural land needs. One of the irrigation areas that is a resource for the community is D.I Warungkiara. In the current condition, the irrigation network of D.I Warungkiara which is not functioning properly has an impact and disrupts the sustainability of people's lives because water, which is a basic need, does not get optimally. This is because the management system and irrigation network are problematic. Therefore, the author aims to analyze the costs of AKNOP by identifying the problem first in the field with the initial stages of minimizing the impact that occurred in D.I Warungkiara. This research will be carried out using the AKNOP method, namely by making observations or observations in the field and planning a budget for the operation and maintenance. The data that has been observed will be used as an inventory database for irrigation networks to analyze damage to irrigation networks and calculate the overall cost. Based on the results of research that has been carried out at D.I Warungkiara there are several problems that exist in existing buildings such as cracks in masonry, destroyed spillway buildings but many buildings are still in good condition and only need routine maintenance. The AKNOP budget that has been analyzed has a value of 1,457,594,592 Rupiah which includes the management costs for the implementation of operations and maintenance, as well as irrigation operations and maintenance of surface irrigation networks.</em></p> 2021-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil Analisis Saluran Drainase di Pemukiman Padat Penduduk 2022-07-12T09:52:34+07:00 Shidik Abdul Kholiq <p><em>Flooding is a common problem in society. Floods and puddles in densely populated areas often occur due to damage to drainage channels. Floods can also occur when conditions of high rainfall. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the causes of flooding and to analyze the capacity of the drainage channel for densely populated settlements on Lio Santa, Citamiyang Village, Sukabumi City. Cibareno. The rainfall used for this hydrological analysis is data on the 10-year return period, from 2011 to 2020. The topographic maps used were obtained from Balai PSDA Ws. Cisadea-Cibareno and land use maps from the Sukabumi City BAPPEDA service, processing topographic data using the software. AutoCAD and land use using ArcGIS software. Rain frequency analysis used is the Moment method, with a quantitative measure of the geometric system of the Normal distribution, Lognormal distribution, Gumbel distribution, and Log Pearson type III distribution. The results of the analysis show that the most suitable distribution uses the Log Pearson Type III distribution based on the compatibility of the Chi-Square and Smirnov-Kolmogorov tests. The calculation of the discharge intensity of the drainage channel plan uses the Rational Method of the 10-year return period equation method for channel size. The results of the design discharge analysis of the channel are obtained at Q_plan = 0.663 m³/s and the existing drainage capacity of the canal (b = 0.6m) and (h = 0.6m) is Q_existing = 0.454 m³/s. So the comparison of the discharge is obtained that the design discharge is greater than the existing Q_plan &gt; Q_existing, so it is necessary to redesign the drainage system by increasing the dimensions of the drainage channel until the optimal capacity is obtained. The results of the drainage analysis are obtained (b = 1m) and (h = 1m) with a flow rate of Q_</em> <em>accommodate= 0.786 m³/s and Q_plans= 0.663 m³/s so that the drainage canal is able to accommodate the planned discharge capacity of the 10-year return period. As for suggestions for other countermeasures that can be used in addition to changing the dimensions of the channel, namely by making a Water Infiltration System Building, because making infiltration wells is very suitable for making wells it does not take up a large area of ​​land then the soil structure of residential areas that absorbs quickly is very adequate, it is known from the runoff coefficient (C) of 0.30.</em></p> 2021-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF SOIL CHARACTERISTICS ON THE DRAINAGE OF DRAINAGE ON SOIL RETAINING WALLS 2022-07-03T05:51:49+07:00 adan m fikri adan m fikri <p><em>There are a number of cases of crushing land holders when they occur and afterwards it rains, this collapse is expected to occur due to rainwater that weighed on excessively. Rainwater makes the land around can contain plenty of water so that weighs over the walls of the land excessively and does not inade the drainage system to drain the water so that the wall of the ground is collapsed. The purpose of this study is to find out how influence the characteristics of clay and sand land on distilled drainage on the walls of the landbreak. This research was conducted in the lab with a land characteristic test then made the wall prototype of ground retaining, distilled simulation testing and analysis of clay and sand stability wall stability, with different groundwater faces according to the height of the drainage pipe, the analysis was carried out manually. From the test results of clay and sand in the lab found value c, ø , γ, wc, Gs</em><em>,k. on clay land obtained permeability values </em><em>, While the value of sand permeability </em><em>. Of the two values ​​sand faster in flowing water. After testing the rain simulation of clamp soil levels increased by 18.24% while sand increased by 8.62%, this proved that more water settled in clay. The results of the analysis of the stability of the ground retaining wall with the noise can reduce the horizontal load caused by water.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2021-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil PERHITUNGAN PENGENDALIAN BIAYA DAN WAKTU DENGAN METODE EVA (EARNED VALUE ANALYSIS) BERBASIS APLIKASI DESKTOP VB.NET 2022-07-12T09:57:03+07:00 Cintya Sri Andyni <p><em>Earned Value Analysis is one of the methods used by a contractor in analyzing the</em><br /><em>performance of a project, especially with regard to cost and time. Cost and time analysis is</em><br /><em>very important for a project development, because by analyzing a project, it is known the</em><br /><em>possibilities that will occur in the future. This method is calculated manually using the</em><br /><em>Microsoft Excel application, it would be better if you have special programming to speed up</em><br /><em>the calculation of the analysis. This study aims to develop a programming application</em><br /><em>containing the Earned Value Analysis method. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET is a tool for</em><br /><em>developing and building applications that run on the .NET Framework, using the BASIC</em><br /><em>language. Through this tool, programmers can create Windows Forms applications,</em><br /><em>ASP.NET-based web applications, and command-based applications. This Earned Value</em><br /><em>Analysis (EVA) Calculation Application has been successfully created using Visual Basic</em><br /><em>.NET . This application is intended for contractors and construction project owners. This</em><br /><em>application simplifies and speeds up the calculation of cost and time analysis on a</em><br /><em>construction project. Users can add, edit or delete data as needed. The output of this</em><br /><em>application is in the form of display of calculation results and graphical display.</em><br /><br /></p> 2021-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil PENERAPAN BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING (BIM) PADA PROYEK PASAR SOREANG KABUPATEN BANDUNG 2022-07-12T09:59:25+07:00 maulana gunawan <p><em>The application of BIM in the Soreang Market development project, Bandung Regency using the Tekla Structure application. How is the time performance in the implementation of the Pasar Soreang project, Bandung Regency. Applying BIM to 4-dimensional (4D) modeling in the construction of the Soreang market project in Bandung Regency. Analyzing project time performance in the form of deviation of realization weight with plan weight based on s curve.Research method is basically a scientific way to get data with a specific purpose and use. Based on the statement above, it can be seen that in a study using a method of processing data and drawing conclusions related to the problem in the study.District afternoon market project. Bandung uses Tekal Structure 19 software. With 3D modeling of buildings in the form of piles, pile caps, tie beams, columns, beams, plates and roof coverings. Then the schedule is added so that it becomes a 4D modeling using the task manager in the Tekla Structure application. In the 4D modeling obtained in the form of images that are able to present the work step by step according to the schedule. The importance of surveys related to traffic conditions around the project site in order to be able to engineer traffic flow so as not to hinder the mobilization of project materials.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2021-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Student Teknik Sipil