Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung Dengan Menggunakan Serbuk Batu Karang


  • Syahrul Hidayatullah Teknik Sipil



Stabilization, clay soil, coral powder, compact,


Clay is a soil with a characteristic when it is dry it will be hard but if it is wet it will be plastic and cohesive, it will cause the construction standing on it to be damaged. Soil stabilization is a way to improve unstable soils such as clay, there are several ways that can be done to stabilize the soil by mixing rock powder. Coral stone powder is the result of refinement of rock material that contains a lot of silica and pozzolan material because it contains the element of free lime which can harden by itself considering the nature of rock powder that can bind water. Coral powder is a soil stabilization material that can be matched and used to improve unstable soil conditions because coral powder can improve the quality of minerals in the soil and increase bonding between particles in the soil, thereby increasing the carrying capacity and compressive strength of the soil.
From the results of the tests conducted, the conclusions obtained from the analysis of data on the physical properties of the soil and the results of compacting by mixing rock powder with a percentage of 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% in clay soil, are as follows. The additionofcoralpowderincreasedtheweightofthedrycontentsat50%mixingby1.65%of the dry weight of the original soil. So, by mixing rock powder by 50% it can increase soil density and reduce the plasticity index value to 9.77%. Coral pollen for soil stabilization can reduce optimum water content, the more the coral powder is used, the optimum level will decrease. The decrease in the optimum water level is29.8%.






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