Metode Analisis Perhitungan Struktur Bangunan Tahan Gempa


  • Mochmmad Rizal Fadillah Teknik Sipil



Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi (UMMI), Analysis, Assessment


University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (UMMI) is a university with a high increase in students. Therefore, the need of buildings is increasing every year, both for learning space or as a means of supporting other academic activities. Therefore, regular maintenance is needed for old buildings and new buildings. This research was conducted with the aim of making the stages of earthquake resistant building assessment for buildings E and F of UMMI which refers to SNI 1726:2012 on earthquake resistance planning procedures for buildings and non-buildings, and SNI 2847:2013 used as structural concrete requirements for buildings . The methods used include visual observation, building design data, material quality, earthquake loading, structural systems, soil investigations, structural modeling with the help of ETABS applications, and analysis stages. Stages of analysis used consist of, calculation of natural shaking time, basic shear force, earthquake horizontal shear force distribution, and structural shaking time analysis with T-Reyleigh. This research is expected to be able to make the results of the analysis of earthquake resistant building structure calculations and assessment of the observed building by comparing the results of the calculation of planning and the results of assessments conducted by researchers. By adding the maximum load to the building structure system, the maximum collapse load of the building can be seen, and analyzing the joint columns and beams that meet earthquake resistant structures. The results of all assessments can facilitate the ongoing assessment management system.






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