Evaluasi Kinerja Bendung Daerah Irigasi Cikahuripan


  • Moch. Zulhaedi Ramdhani Teknik Sipil




Irrigation Area, Irrigation Weir, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation, Cikahuripan Irrigation Area, Irrigation.


Cikahuripan Irrigation Area Cikahuripan is an irrigation area located in Sukabumi Regency. Cikahuripan irrigation area, was built in 1929, has a service area of ​​512 Ha. For this large area, of course we need prime weir building conditions. The need for Operations and Maintenance of irrigation networks in Cikahuripan irrigation areas, especially in this weir building. In this study a reference from the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 12/PRT/M/2015 regarding exploitation and maintenance of irrigation is translated into the Irrigation System Performance Index (IKSI) so that it is easy to assess the condition and function of the dam building. The stages in assessing the performance of the Cikahuripan weir begin with conducting an inventory or observing the condition of the weir building directly, then recording it on the inventory form to facilitate the assessment process. In the assessment of conditions there are nine aspects of the assessment, namely the weir lighthouse, upstream and downstream of the weir, weir floor, weir closing dike, operation board, measuring bar, safety fence, retrieval door and drain door. After completing the assessment using these aspects, the final calculation is done in table 3. The final value of the dam condition is 10.90% or if the percentage of maximum weight is 13%, 83.81% is obtained for the dam performance assessment, which means that weir in Good condition, the recommendation needed is periodic maintenance check.






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