Peningkatan Kinerja Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Saluran Daerah Irigasi (DI)


  • Yan ferdiansyah pratama Yan ferdiansyah pratama Teknis Sipil



Keywords: Irrigation Networks, Operations and Maintenance, Irrigation Systems Performance Index.


The rapid development of population and industry in Indonesia has caused water availability and utilization to be disrupted.  Water availability has decreased as a result of changes or water disturbances and on the other hand water demand is increasing.  Water resources are a good resource for the life of flora, fauna and humans to fulfill their daily lives.  Lack of human resources makes irrigation operations and maintenance activities considered weaker which is marked by irrigation managers, maintenance operations organizations and caused by natural disturbances and lack of optimization of irrigation channels. The lack of priority compared to the new construction of maintenance operation activities marks the low quality of maintenance operations personnel in terms of both quality and quantity. Therefore, the absence of maintenance operations will result in damage to irrigation infrastructure before achieving the planned life and will result in damage to irrigation infrastructure.  This research was conducted in the irrigation area using IKSI (Irrigation System Performance Index) Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 12 of 2015 with the field observation method. Primary data were obtained from direct observations and measurements at the research location, while secondary data were obtained from relevant agencies.  From these data then analyzed to obtain the results of performance evaluations of irrigation channels.  The operation of maintaining canals in irrigation areas is very important to know how the performance of irrigation canals, with the hope of being able to guarantee water needs especially farmers.






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