Pengaruh Variasi Rasio Alkalin Aktivator Kuat Tekan Beton Geopolymer Berbahan Limbah Bata Merah


  • Dicky Rizkiandany Teknik Sipil



Concrete Geopolymer, red brick


The development of infrastructure that is increasing today has resulted in adverse impacts on the environment, in the process of producing cement 1 ton of cement comparable to producing 1 ton of CO2 (carbon dioxide) that can damage the ozone layer, but at During the process of producing cement, there is also CO2 emissions into the air in other words. This has been the impetus for alternative cement substitute, namely geopolymer concrete. Concrete Geopolymer is one of the alternatives to overcome the problem of cement that is less environmentally friendly in the production process. In this research geopolymer concrete is made without the use of cement as a binding material, in the flying ash red brick containing silica and aluminum will react with alkaline fluid to produce binders (binder). In this research strong press of concrete at the age of 7, 14, 28 and 56 days tested through a strong press test. The Material used is fly ash red brick area similarly gungguruh. Sukabumi replied, Sodium silicate (Na2SiO3), sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with ratio (1:1), (1:1.5), (1:2), on Goepolymer concrete, and Viscocrete-10 Superplastisizer. The test object used is a cylinder of 15/30 cm in size, with a concrete treatment method closed using plastic at room temperature. The average maximum value of strong press concrete Geopolymer red brick in this study amounted to 3.60 MPa obtained at a ratio of 1:2 with a test age of 56 days.






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