Pengaruh Penggunaan Pasir Kuarsa Sebagai Bahan Pengganti Agregat Halus Untuk Perkerasan Laston Ac-Bc


  • Dena Ramadhan Junaedi Teknik Sipil



Quartz Sand, Laston, Stability Marshall, Flow


 Pavement Concrete Asphalt Layers (LASTON) is a pavement consisting of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, fillers and asphalt, located on a subgrade with the aim of serving traffic loads. As time goes by the growth of the vehicle increases, this causes the pavement layer to be damaged quickly. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct research on mixed materials, one of which uses materials of better quality with the aim of increasing the stability of the pavement. Sukabumi Regency has an abundance of quartz sand potential, the area produces as much as 15,000 tons of quartz sand per month. Judging from the abundant resources of quartz sand and the very good characteristics of quartz sand, research is needed on the effect of using quartz sand as a substitute for fine aggregate for the pavement of the Laston road. This study uses a comparative data analysis method which compares the results of research, namely quartz sand with tidal sand which is generally used for the pavement of the Laston road. The variation of asphalt levels used is 6%, 6.5%, 7%, and 7.5%. Tests carried out using marshall testing tools. Based on the results of the Marshall test on the Laston mixture using quartz sand, it has a higher stability value than the normal Laston, this is because the surface of quartz sand is rough and has a good hardness level so it can increase the viscosity of asphalt, this proves that the use of sand quartz affects the Laston pavement.







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