Kinerja Limbah Gypsum Terhadap Uji Kepada Berat Pada Tanah Dasar Untuk Jalan


  • Zulfa Aulia Az-Zahra Teknik Sipil



Gypsum waste, clay, soil stabilization, weight density test


The subgrade is a supporting part of all road construction along with the traffic on it. The strength and durability of road construction depends on the characteristics and carrying capacity of the subgrade. If the type of soil used is clay, where clay has a low bearing capacity. Therefore, improvement is needed on the condition of the soil or known as soil stabilization. The stabilization used by adding the mixing material is gypsum waste to improve the characteristics of clay. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of gypsum waste through weight density testing on clay.

In this study, the land used is clay which is in the area of ​​Tegal Panjang, Tegal Panjang District, Sukabumi Regency with a mixed, material using gypsum waste. The levels of addition used were 22%, 24%, and 26%. Tests carried out include tests of soil physical properties and weight density tests with modified proctors.

The results of this study are based on a weight density test. The optimum value of soil moisture has decreased and the maximum dry weight of the soil has increased after the addition of gypsum waste. This decrease and increase occur only at 22% levels. That means gypsum waste affects the clay soil by adding 22% gypsum content to the weight density test.






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