Analisis Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi D.I Warungkiara, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat


  • yaya tiara oktaviana teknik sipil



irrigation network, irrigation area , ISPI (Irrigation System Performance Index)


The performance of the irrigation network is designed to determine the condition of the irrigation system's performance including physical functions, supporting facilities, personnel organization, and documentation. This is very important in order to monitor the function and performance of all aspects of the irrigation system. In the research of D.I Warungkiara, there are approximately 41 irrigation buildings scattered in secondary canals. The way to determine the performance of the irrigation network is done by using the ISPI (Irrigation System Performance Index) and PUPR Ministerial Regulation No. 12 of 2015. In research on irrigation performance at Warungkiara, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, the final value of the condition of the building is 8.69% of the maximum value of physical infrastructure is 9% and for the percentage to the maximum value of 96.56% where the condition of the building is in a good category, but if the condition is 90-100% of the initial state of the building, so the recommended Maintenance Operation (MP) recommendation is maintenance that is routine maintenance. In the D.I Warungkiara irrigation channel performance system, there are channel values ​​with a good percentage (G) 68%, Light Damage (LD) 22%, Moderate Damage (MD) 9%, Severe Damage (SD) 1%. From the final result, the performance of the channel and the inspection road has a weight value of 70.55%.






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