Pengaruh Sistem Pembiayaan Mudharabah Terhadap Efektivitas UMKM
Financing mdharabah, prescribed for result, effectiveness of UMKMAbstract
This study aims to determine The effect of system of the financing Mudharabah and prescribed for result of the effectiveness of the UMKM businesses in BMT ‘Ibaadurrahman of Sukabumi. Research method used by researcher is quantitative method. Population and samples to be taken are from customers BMT ‘Ibaadurrahman of sukabumi, who took the product financing mudharabah, the number of sampel is as many 31 samples.
The analysis used is multiple linier regression. This analysis is used to determine both partially and simultaneously. The test results in partially system of the financing Mudharabah states Thitung 2.315>Ttabel 2.048 and significant 0.028<0.05 which means partially system of the financing Mudharabah have a significant effect on the effectiveness of UMKM. The test result in partially prescribed for result states Thitung 2.823>Ttabel 2.048 and significant 0.009<0.05 which means partially prescribed for result have a significant effect on the effectiveness of UMKM. The test result in simultaneously the financing Mudharabah and prescribed for result Fhitung 13.106>Ftabel 3.341 and significant 0.000<0.05 which means simultaneously the financing Mudharabah and prescribed for result have a significant effect on the effectiveness of UMKM