Ada Apa Dengan Whistle Blowing Sistem


  • Nashirotun Nisa Nurharjanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta



Whistleblowing system, academic fraud, quality of graduates, competence of graduates, student awareness


Whistleblowing system is an alternative method that can be applied in the University environment to reduce academic fraud. Academic fraud is influenced by two factors, namely (1) internal, students want to get capabilities related to actualization, (2) external, too many student workloads. Factors can indicate students cheating, imitating, copying or plagiarism and presenting attendance. The purpose of this study is to explain what is happening with whistle blowing systems when applied in the University environment. This research was conducted using a narrative qualitative approach. The respondents used were students who had attended audit 1 and 2 lectures and professional ethics and sharia business, officials at the study program level and lecturer lecturers. The results of this study are the narratives of the respondents, (1) The response of students: (a) can freely report fraudulent acts that occur on campus, (b) have an awareness not to cheat, (c) if the whistle blowing system is implemented it can help socialize and monitoring the reporting process for fraud; (2) Responses from officials at the program level and lecturers; (a) the whistle blowing system helps the process of disclosure of academic fraud, (b) the quality of learning becomes quality so as to produce competent outcomes, (c) students comply with regulations without coercion. This response is in accordance with the stages of the work system of the whistle blowing system, which consists of anonymity, independence, easy access, follow-up.






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